Hello from the studio!

The past few months have been difficult for all of us, and I am no exception. Art projects, cultural events and exhibitions have all been cancelled, and the overload of negative news around us has been quite overwhelming.

Art is something that helps in times of crisis, whether you consume art or create it. It’s a way to escape from everything and go to an imaginary world, it’s a way to relax and calm down, it’s a way to create beauty when you can’t see any around you. And many artists thrive in times of crisis, as strong emotions often push us to create our best work.

As a person who likes planning and likes to have things to work towards, it has been quite hard to have this endless void in front of me, with no way of knowing when I can go back to any sort of normal artist schedule. But, I have been keeping busy with reading art books, connecting with fellow artists online and just painting what I want, and what I enjoy.

However, I have to say that not everything has been cancelled, and I do have one exciting project that I am involved in. I can’t wait to tell you all about it very soon!

Stay healthy and happy everyone!